Xena Health
Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is the addition of exogenous hormones into your body to replenish naturally declining levels.  Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are the hormones that Xena Health typically evaluates for replacement.  

What are bioidentical hormones?

  • Exogenous hormones are made as a bioidentical or synthetic chemical structure.  Bio-identical means the molecular chemical structure is identical to our human structure.  When a bioidentical hormone enters your body, it is activated and used the same as your natural hormones.  
  • Synthetic hormones are not identical to our human structure. 

What Type of Bio-Identical Hormones Do You Prescribe?

At Xena Health, we like to work with you to create an individualized approach, However, in general, we prescribe:




Can I get bio-identical hormones at my regular pharmacy?

Yes.  There are bioidentical, FDA approved options for hormone replacement that you can get at commercial pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, etc.  At Xena Health, we strive to use FDA approved bio-identical hormones at every possibility.  Testosterone replacement is currently not approved for women, thus we do use compounding pharmacies for this indication.  We have partnerships with multiple compounding pharmacies in the local area for this reason.  

***Xena Health prefers the use of FDA approved, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) ordered at a commercial pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) to allow for your insurance coverage if available. ***

How much do bioidentical hormones cost?

We order your medications through a pharmacy of your choice.  On average, a monthly cost of estrogen or progesterone will be $30.00 each if paying out of pocket with the use of GoodRx.  Generally speaking, HRT medications are covered to some aspect, if not all, by the majority of insurance carriers.  It is best to inquire with your insurance carrier first for your specific coverage.

HRT Pricing & Treatment Plans

As safety is paramount at Xena Health, we ask all patients to complete the following items before treatment can start.  If already completed, you can bring copies of these tests with you to your appointment, or we will order them for you during your initial consult. 

  • Baseline bloodwork (current within 30 days of appointment)
  • CBC, CMP, Lipid, TSH, FSH/LH, Estradiol, Progesterone, SHBG, Testosterone (free and total).
  • A current mammogram (completed within 12 months)
  • A current pap smear (completed within 3 to 5 years if normal).


We recognize that our single location may be a commute for some clients. 

While our initial consult is always in person, subsequent follow up appointments can be done by telehealth for your convenience. 

Initial Consult

Initial Lab Draw + Followup Included
$ 250 Monthly
  • 1 Hour Office Visit
  • Comprehensive Physical History Exam,
  • Collect Bloodwork In Clinic
  • Order Mamogram(if needed)
  • Complete Pap Smear (if needed)
  • Review Hormonal and Non-Hormonal Treatments
  • Review Candidacy & Safety for HRT
  • Discuss Treatment Risks, Side Effects & Goals
  • 1 Week Followup. Review Bloodwork and Start!

Next 3 Months

Follow Up Monthly Until At Goal
$ 150 Monthly
  • In office or telehealth appointment
  • Thorough Review of Symptoms and Eval for Improvement with Treatment
  • Evaluate for any potential medication side effects
  • Adjust medication and/or dosages as need to reach goals
  • Update labs after 3rd month of medication

Elite Status

Optimized & level hormones, quarterly maintenance
$ 150 Monthly
  • In office or telehealth appointment
  • Review symptoms, medications, and plan of care
  • Medications refilled for 3 months at a time
  • 1 in-person visit with labs per year
  • Complete Mammogram each year
  • Complete Pap Smear according to guidelines

EvexiPEL pellets, about the size of a grain of rice, are inserted just under the skin in a simple in-office procedure and only need to be replaced 3–5 times a year. This method delivers consistent hormone levels with fewer side effects and greater convenience compared to creams, pills, or injections. Exclusively administered by EvexiPEL Certified providers, the therapy uses patented estradiol and testosterone pellets to support individualized hormone balance based on your labs, lifestyle, and symptoms. While estrogen and testosterone are available in pellet form, progesterone is still taken orally—but we’re exploring ways to combine traditional options with pellet therapy for even better results.

***Initial Consult***

* The 1 week telehealth follow up is only needed if we draw bloodwork during your initial consult.  If you bring current bloodwork results with you, then everything can be completed on the same day.

* Bloodwork, Pap Smear and Mammograms will be processed at an outside laboratory or radiology department.  We can utilize your insurance for these tests, or use one of our partnered facilities that offers low cost pricing for self-pay patients.